Sponsorship Program
Hi! My name is Daunte
I am one of the first alpacas to live at Alpenwood Alpacas farm. I am fed special alpaca pellets and tasty hay ($1000 per year), my toe nails are trimmed and my fleece is sheared each spring ($45). What a life! But it isn’t cheap to take care of me and my friends so here is where you can help out.
You may not have a farm where I can live or the expertise to care for an alpaca but you fell in love with them and dream of having a more personal experience with them. At Alpenwood Alpacas we can make that dream a reality through our Sponsorship Program.
Sponsorship Options
You can choose between a 3 month sponsorship, a 6 month sponsorship or a 1 year sponsorship. More than one person may sponsor a certain alpaca at any one time.
How To Sponsor An Alpaca
Visit Alpenwood Alpacas in person or by using the link below.
1. Select your favorite alpaca
2. Complete your sponsorship purchase in person or online
3. Upon receipt of your registration form and payment your Sponsorship Package will be prepared and emailed to you.
Your participation in the sponsorship program will help us continue to ensure that your sponsored alpaca and his/her pen mates enjoy their life to the fullest. Your contribution is non-refundable and does not constitute ownership of the alpaca. There are opportunities for exclusive sponsorship of your alpaca otherwise please understand that another person may also sponsor the same alpaca as you. If your selected alpaca is removed from the herd for any reason during your sponsorship period you will be able to choose another alpaca for the duration of your sponsorship period.
Daunte says thank you so much for your support.